About Us

Business Invented

Don’t just do Business, Invent Business

Welcome Abroad!

Welcome to Business Invented!

I’m Brianna Washington, the founder and driving force behind this blog dedicated to empowering aspiring entrepreneurs and enhancing financial literacy. With a passion for innovation and a deep understanding of the financial landscape, I created Business Invented to share insights, tips, and resources that can help you turn your business dreams into reality.

My Journey

My entrepreneurial journey began 6 years ago when I realized the significant gap in accessible, straightforward advice for new business owners. Navigating the complexities of starting a business and managing finances can be daunting, and I wanted to create a platform that demystifies these processes. With a background in Credit Restoration and Finance, I bring a wealth of knowledge and firsthand experience to the table.

Our Mission

At Business Invented, our mission is to provide you with practical, actionable advice on a variety of topics, including:

  • Starting a Business: Step-by-step guides, checklists, and expert tips to help you launch your business successfully.
  • Financial Literacy: Easy-to-understand articles on budgeting, investing, and financial planning to empower you to make informed decisions.
  • Business Insights: In-depth analyses of market trends, success stories, and case studies to inspire and educate.
  • Resources and Tools: Recommendations for the best tools, apps, and resources that can streamline your business operations and boost your productivity.