What services does Business Invented offer?

At Business Invented, we specialize in helping entrepreneurs and small business owners build and improve their business credit. We provide educational content such as guides, books, downloadable content, and tutorials on the fundamentals of business credit, how it works, and why it’s essential.

How can I contact Business Invented?

We are available Monday-Friday from 9AM-6PM EST. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us at (803)-470-6099.

Why is Business Credit important?

Building business credit is crucial for securing loans, obtaining better interest rates, protecting personal credit, and establishing credibility with vendors and suppliers. Also sets you and your business up for financial success.

Do all Vendors report to the Credit Bureau?

No, not all vendors report to business credit bureaus. It’s important to work with those that do to help build your credit profile

Why should I choose Business Invented for my financial needs?

Choosing Business Invented means partnering with a dedicated resource that truly understands the challenges and needs of aspiring entrepreneurs and small business owners. Many of our clients have successfully built strong business credit profiles, secured financing, and achieved significant business growth by following our expert advice and using our resources.